Davide Capponi photography

Photographic art by Davide Capponi

Collapsed spiral staircase

This is an abandoned hospital near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s and the Olloclip wide lens.

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using Dynamic Light, Pic Grunger and PhotoToaster.

33 Responses to “Collapsed spiral staircase”

  1. Russel Ray Photos

    I wish we had cool abandoned buildings around here. I found an abandoned house a couple of days ago but it was on an Indian Reservation, so one has to get approval for pictures from the Tribal Council, and they wouldn’t give it. Spirits of the Ancestors, I guess.

  2. rsmithing

    Questo è molto interessante, misterioso, e bella. Probabilmente avete un migliaio di immagini tratte da questa avventura!

    • rubicorno

      Grazie! In effect I have lots of images of this place, some already posted, some will be in the future. It was a nice and spooky place, unsettling but beautiful.

  3. walterwsmith3rd

    Love the decaying feeling of this purple-grayish displaced mapped structure. The lines. And the collapsing. One of my favorites from you.

  4. alessandro ciapanna

    il posto e’ spettacolare ma ti prego di adoperare la massima cautela negli edifici pericolanti: non vorrei ci fosse qualche tegola dispettosa…

  5. kalabalu

    Spiral Staircase
    The light that falls over and connects you to the outside
    But the treads no longer can support my steps
    abandoned and lost but nevertheless
    the beauty lingers for others to amaze at the spot you feebly stay
    one more day..year..or a snap away..shoot?


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